
Shopify Facts: How Your Shop Can Benefit From a Theme Upgrade

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We have discussed a lot about Shopify themes in our previous articles but there’s just a lot about themes that make it a crucial part of every online business that run under this platform. Shopify has been around for a very long time now but themes never lost its value and in fact, it has become even more essential especially as the number of people who has access to the Internet using a variety of devices have increased exponentially through the years.

Themes have become a tool used not just for improving a shop’s overall looks but also for attracting customers and keeping the existing ones coming back to make new purchases. It can’t be denied that a better designed shop gets a higher preference from customers as it’s less boring to browse through and definitely makes the entire customer experience more rewarding.

Suddenly, themes became a need for shops especially those who are thinking of updating overall looks and as well as the ones that need to develop a business personality. The visual aspect of every business is always the first one that customers see and it is very much influential in building trust and overall impression. But if you are not yet fully convinced on the benefits that changing a theme can bring to your business, here are some other reasons that you need to know about.

1. You’ll Get a Faster and More Responsive Online Shop

Not all themes are equal. Some work better than others in terms of looks and overall performance. There are themes that are optimized for speed while others are optimized for high quality visual effects and overall design. The former is going to be the perfect theme if you want customers to find what they are looking for in your shop in the fastest time possible. Choosing a speedy website would be very beneficial especially when you’re just starting with your online shop and need to impress customers in terms of performance.

As you see your shop growing and needing more features and pages that are aimed at improving conversion and collection of customer emails to be used for email marketing efforts, you would need to use a theme that is optimized for these particular functions. You would also need to upgrade your Shopify subscription at this stage so you can enjoy more features from Shopify itself.

2. You Can Easily Upgrade Your Online Shop’s Overall Looks

By easily upgrade we mean making your site look better and it involves all aspects from the color down to the header and footer section and as well as some other design elements that will make it look more attractive to both your prospective customers and the existing ones who turned loyal to your product or brand. Themes include several design elements that match certain industries of products. Others even offer color or font updates so you can change the overall feel of your shop according to the season.

The primary goal of using themes is to make instant changes without the need of touching any code or editing html lines. But we would warn against making a change in a shop’s theme on a regular basis as it will create confusion among customers. Just stick with the one that you are most comfortable with and take advantage of the updates that the theme creator releases from time to time.

3. It Allows Advanced Changes and Tweaks

This may not be available on default Shopify themes but if you choose one that is developed by a third-party, you will be able to implement some changes that are not available in other themes and there are even some theme designers and developers that would offer help so you can implement changes to your website both in looks, features, and functions. Let’s admit it; most of us don’t know anything about codes and other advanced theme stuff so it’s better to leave those things to the experts.

Aside from changes and tweaks, third-party theme developers also offer regular updates that can fix bugs and many other glitches that users may have reported to them for a certain period of time. This is a great assurance on your part that the theme is in tip-top shape all the time. Just make sure that you’re regularly checking it from your “Theme library” so you will know when updates are available.

4. Themes Help Rank Your Shop Higher in Search Engines

When your shop performs and looks well, more and more people will give it a positive review and word about it will spread like wildfire all over the Internet. When this happens, your business will start to move into the cross hairs of every search engine that’s available on the Internet. And when you couple an awesome theme with a great blog with articles that are optimized for search engines, you will surely be on your way towards paving a smoother path towards business success.

Ranking high on search engines helps funnel in more prospective customers to your shop. It directs organic traffic which if harnessed well would surely turn into sales and therefore, bigger profit. That is why it is important that you choose a theme that positions you into a good place where you can start optimizing your shops looks and overall performance.


There you have it, the top 4 benefits that you will enjoy when you decide to change your theme. But always remember that consistency is an important aspect of every business. Building a strong online presence needs every conscious effort of maintaining a consistent brand identity so that customers can easily identify your business. Being consistent is also crucial especially if you’re trying to establish your very own brand personality.

Do you want a masculine vibe on your online shop? Is positivity a key aspect of your business, or is health and wellness one of your business value? These are things that you need to ask yourself when you’re thinking of changing your shop’s theme and even as you try to find the perfect one. Make sure that it will match your product, the industry to which your business belongs, and it must jive with the overall brand personality that you are trying to build.

It all starts with the theme and will remain anchored with the theme as your business start to develop and find its way to continued progress. Remember to stay as unique and friendly as possible. Study what your top competitors are already doing and see whether you can improve their strategies and establish as well as implement your own version of it. Progress will not come in an instant because it’s a process that often has lengthy steps but using a theme is going to be a headstart.

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